It really isn’t good for me not to write for a week. When I started writing this evening it was hard — the flow was gone. The first page or so sucks. Muchly. Eventually though, I got into a groove, and the words *poured* from me. 13 1/2 pages later, I’m finished. Done even, as a thing is done. Wiped out. I’d ask how come just sitting and writing exhausts me this way, as nothing else can, but I know the answer to that. There’s no such thing as “just writing” — not for me. I feel everything the character is feeling, and this was a *tough* scene for her. So now we’re both exhausted.

Tomorrow evening will be more of the same, I suspect. sjcox3 — if you’re interested in doing the Tuesday night writer’s thing with us, we’re switching locations for this week, seeing how it works out. We’ll be at Remedy Teas, at 15th and Harrison. It’s right next to the Subway sandwich place. They have free WiFi, and 160 different types of tea to choose from. Along with beer, wine, and assorted vegan goodies.

Comments (4)

  1. hhw

    Your reference to vegan goodies leads me to ask: do they have milk for tea?

    A while back you recommended a B&B for me when I’m in Seattle for the library conference. They’re going to be renovating in January, so they referred me to this one, which is not far from Remedy Teas. I’ll have to visit.

  2. hhw

    Your reference to vegan goodies leads me to ask: do they have milk for tea?

    A while back you recommended a B&B for me when I’m in Seattle for the library conference. They’re going to be renovating in January, so they referred me to this one, which is not far from Remedy Teas. I’ll have to visit.

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